Monday, September 25, 2017

The Yellow School Bus

The Yellow School Bus is my ode to a piece of equipment that is often taken for granted. It's an homage to XXII (popularly known as The Red Wheelbarrow), from William Carlos Williams' 1923 collection Spring and All. 

The Yellow School Bus is also a blog; I've created it to serve as a repository of information that I deem to be of use to parents of the students I transport. It is written on my own time, and is unaffiliated with ACS. You are under no obligation to read it, though I'm sure you will profit by doing so. Join the club by subscribing (over on the right-side panel).

Also, keep me in mind should your child require tutoring, or if they're interested in a science camp during weekends or school breaks. Or if you just need a babysitter. Or a copy editor. Or a handyman. Or a driver. Or an alibi.